From charlesreid1

Related: Kali

Kali Linux on Vagrant

Kali Linux provides an official vagrant box, making it easy to use Kali Linux from a vagrant box.

Create image

To create a vagrant VM that runs Kali, use the vagrant init command and pass it the name of the image, which is kalilinux/rolling or kalilinux/rolling-light:

vagrant init kalilinux/rolling


vagrant init kalilinux/rolling-light

This will download the Kali Linux image. Once that's finished, you can start the vagrant machine.

Start box with GUI

To start up the Kali virtual machine,

vagrant up

This will also start the VirtualBox GUI.

The Kali folks have enabled the GUI by default, since many tools in Kali require a GUI

Start box without GUI

To start the Kali machine without the VirtualBox GUI being started, modify the Vagrantfile to include the following:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|


  # VirtualBox specific settings
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    # Hide the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
    vb.gui = false

